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new historicism中文是什么意思

用"new historicism"造句"new historicism"怎么读"new historicism" in a sentence


  • 新历史主义


  • On new historicism and cultural anthropology
  • On the birth background of literary criticism of new historicism
  • From quot; go - back - to - history quot; to non - history - a criticism of new historicism
  • A re - reading of george eliot ' s early novels from the perspective of new historicism
    乔治183 ;艾略特早期作品的新历史主义解读
  • Thick description , the new historicism and thick translation translation studies from the perspective of cultural anthropology
  • This essay explores the family resemblance between the poetics of ezra pound and the critical methodology of new historicism
  • Alter the 1990s , for the new historicism or the new - timed films and tv , some scholars put forward the solutions for their concern
  • Cultural poetics of new historicism rise in the postmodern context of western culture , and develop rather complex discursive formation with other post - ism theories
  • An analysis of “ flounder ” shows a correspondence betweench g nter grass ' writing and new historicism , i ? e ? , the deconstruction of history in the traditional sense
    解读《比目鱼》 ,会发现格拉斯的创作思想与新历史主义的文学观有着某种偶然的契合,那就是反拨传统意义上的历史,坚持对历史进行反思和重构。
  • Deconstruction and construction are the shared ground for criticism ; the textual and cultural orientations are the divergent point for reflection ; while the turn to cultural poetics is the breaking point that new historicism explored into the vast field of history and culture
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"new historicism"造句  


New Historicism is a school of literary theory, grounded in critical theory, that developed in the 1980s, primarily through the work of the critic Stephen Greenblatt, and gained widespread influence in the 1990s.David Mikics, ed.
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